The Narrative Crafting Co
Brian Hogan, MA | MFA | LPCA | ICF-ACC | RYT-500
We're not on our journey to save the world but to save ourselves. But in doing that you save the world.
Joseph Campbell
What is Narrative Crafting?
Narrative Crafting is a unique therapeutic process that integrates multiple cutting-edge, evidence-based modalities to help clients get to know the conflicting parts of themselves with gentleness and clarity. This process enables us to reduce self-sabotage, heal trauma, and break old patterns for good. Narrative Crafting addresses human suffering on the level of mind, body and spirt, which affords clients more liberation and peace. When you craft a new and empowering inner narrative, one that fully aligns with your integrity and values, you will realize that you really can soar.

Who Is Narrative Crafting For?
Anyone can benefit from applying the Narrative Crafting process because it is holistic in nature, benevolent, and client-led. I specialize in helping teens and adults learn to navigate big life changes like graduation, career transition, retirement, loss of a loved one, spiritual awakening, trauma recovery, getting bitten by a radioactive spider, and any of life’s other unexpected plot twists. I also teach artists how to apply this process to conquer procrastination and mental blocks, and unleash creative inspiration. Narrative Crafting is for your if you are ready to commit to your own healing and thriving, and are motivated to start living a brand new story.
Why Does Narrative Crafting Work?
Narrative Crafting works because the process combines the latest research-based breakthroughs in multiple fields with your own intuition and wisdom. The process also addresses the cognitive and somatic components of trauma and healing, allowing full restoration of your inherent mind-body connection. You are the expert on your own life, and as your therapist and coach I’ll help you remember how to tap into that.
Brian listens patiently and without judgment. I feel safe talking with him and his feedback helped me see my options with more clarity
Shameela W -Executive Coach.

Brian listens patiently and without judgment. I feel safe talking with him and his feedback helped me see my options with more clarity
Shameela W -Executive Coach.
Brian is perceptive, open and always in his truth, which created the space for me to stand in mine.
- Daneika G., Artist
My Promise
On this journey you will learn how to trust your own inner wisdom so you always know what to do and how to heal. This wisdom comes from someplace beyond the mind’s fear-based, culturally-programmed, non-stop chatter. Your intuitive wisdom lives in your body, is reflected in your experiences, and can be accessed at will with practice and healing.
On this journey you will not be alone and you will not be judged. Starting from the day of your initial consult I am in your corner. I have your back and I am invested in your transformation along side you. You’ve got this. And I know it!
On this journey you will get results if you show up. This is not a passive process. It is an active, introspective, somatic and participatory process, but a gentle one that honors and respects the client’s pace, goals, and need for safety.

My Core Beliefs
You are made up of many parts, a natural state
We have all had the experience of inner conflict that comes when one part of us wants something and another part of us hesitates (think “extra dessert” for example). Or when one part of us absent-mindedly daydreams while the other part skillfully drives us home. These parts don’t always see eye to eye, but we can facilitate a profound inner dialogue that has a potent power to transform.
There are no Bad parts of us
Really, none? Yep, even the part of you that snaps at your wife, drinks too much, procrastinates on your passions, gives up too easily and hides dirty secrets is not bad. All of our parts are trying to protect us, trying to do good for our system or trying to heal. Because of culture or trauma or both, our parts don’t always know what’s best for us. And I’ve also never met a part that wasn’t eventually grateful to learn.
We are meant to be whole, joyful and peaceful, like nature.
The same way our body heals our wounds naturally once they are cleaned and disinfected, our minds also tend toward psychological well-being once they are cleaned of limiting cultural programming and disinfected from the lingering effects of trauma in our lives.
All of our power is in the present moment
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago; the second best time is now. The reason that old proverb resonates is because now is the only moment there ever really is. The secret ingredient to all lasting transformation is to begin, because then it is happening now. We ride at dawn!
Everyone experiences trauma, and everyone can recover
I have never met a human being that didn’t experience some form of major or minor trauma (usually multiple) in their lives. And I have never met a person committed to their recovery that wasn’t able to find a way back to thriving. Symptom management is not the solution, we are headed for lasting transformation and peace.
The universe is alive, conscious, and invested in our well-being.
There is a benevolent force that pervades all things and considers you an essential part of itself. Your body speaks to you. Your dreams speak to you. Your circumstances speak to you. Life is sending you messages all the time. I can help translate.
My Perspective
Embarking on any kind of healing, personal growth or spiritual awakening journey takes guts. It also takes patience, gentleness and determination. We will progress in such a way that you feel deeply heard and understood, and secure that you have someone in the trenches with you. No matter what comes up you will be met with unconditional support, compassion, and non-judgement. On our journey together we will follow the lead of your system and your parts and trust in the unfoldment of life. Therapy and coaching can be done weekly, monthly, sporadically, or even in batches of successive days when you are targeting an issue. Some form of consistency is best, but any healing and compassionate witnessing is useful and powerful for growth and personal freedom. Let’s get started.
My Modalities
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Wayfinder Life Coaching
Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS)
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or “Tapping”
Trauma Release Exercises
My Personal Experience
I have been through my own share of childhood trauma (growing up gay and closeted, moving every few years, a deadbeat dad), adult setbacks (losing a business partner, repeated homophobia) and unexpected challenges (getting arrested and assaulted in the same week over a decade ago) and one thing I know how to do is remain calm during a storm. I can help you do that too.
Through my work in storytelling, clinical mental health and coaching practices, and my continuing education in psychology, I will help you find your place in your own inner narrative. Oriented in your own story, you can now masterfully rewrite a new and empowering adventure, taking control over how you, the main character, shows up in the next act. Healing is possible. You were meant to be whole.
Coaching with Brian Hogan was such a beautiful experience. He helped me work through areas where I was feeling stuck and paralyzed and not good enough to move forward in my new career path. His coaching techniques helped me uncover what I know to be true, deep inside, which opened up my perspective and confidence. He gave me homework to report back to him and I can honestly say I’m excited to do it whereas I was terrified to do that same work before the call! His coaching gave me a LOT of confidence to be able to take my next step. Thank you BRIAN! You’re the best!
Aditi R. - Emotional Wellness Speaker & Coach
My Areas of Focus
& Self-Sabotage
Creative Blocks/Brainstorming
Additional Tools
- Our relationship (essential)
- Positive Intelligence Training (PQ)
- Motivational Interviewing
- “The Work” of Byron Katie
- Trauma Focused Expressive Writing
- Imagination Exercises
- Guided Visualizations
- Dream Analysis & Interpretation
- Mindfulness Exercises
- Yoga Teacher Training
Brian Hogan is the most intuitive, naturally gifted and insightful coach I have ever worked with (And I've had the pleasure to work with several great coaches)! If you're thinking of working with Brian, stop contemplating and make the call. You won't regret it.
Libby D. Narcissism - Recovery Coach

Cultivate Your
You start to feel inner guidance more often more deeply and more reliably
Reduce Confusion & Create Clarity
Intentionally relax your nervous system so you can find your inner knowing
Learn to find the seeds of joy in the things you already always wonder about
Access Universal Consciousness
Join up with the wisdom of our collective consciousness to maneuver complex terrain
Understand Your Guiding Sensations
Learn the unfailingly loyal “yes” and “no” language of
your body
Create A New
Life Story
Practical changes in your emotional wellbeing, habits and circumstances
What People Are Saying
Thank you for our session Brian, you were so attentive and I felt heard by you. Thank you for creating a safe space. Your suggestions were so insightful and helped me see new areas of expertise to explore that I hadn't considered before. I definitely felt more capable and open to new ideas after speaking with you. Thank you!
I just wanted to say thank you for your generosity yesterday. I appreciate you allowing the time needed to get somewhere and for taking the time to see it through. I can honestly say it has been years since I've had a session like that. You are an excellent coach. Thanks again for your warm, wise, kind approach.
Brian has a depth of presence and curiosity that invokes both safety and emergence for the client. Safety to share what’s most true and authentic, and emergence to allow what needs to come through in each moment. Through a balance of guided questions and wise feedback each session will lead you back right where you want to be: empowered and in control of your life. Work with Brian.
Brian is a great coach - very thoughtful and intuitive. I received deep insights and realizations about myself and my personal situations with each of our sessions. He has a calm and inquisitive way about him that created space for me to explore difficult topics in a helpful way. I would definitely recommend him as a coach.
Brian brings an amazing set of tools to his coaching. He listens skillfully and bring a level of expertise far beyond expectations. Brian is like a wizard, creating a space where I feel safe to be my self which leads to amazing results. If you can get on his calendar, definitely coach with Brian.
Brian is a fantastic coach. He has a great deal of intuition and a way of seeing through to the heart of a struggle. He has a beautiful way of being both gentle and motivating, while asking great questions, which makes him an excellent coach. I'd highly recommend him!
Brain's life coaching sessions are a unique experience. In a judgment-free space, he allows you to open up about life, strengths, weaknesses, and insecurities, etc. all for the aim of finding what do you love and what do you find important out of life. He helped transcend my thinking about myself and the way I view the world around me along with my role in it. With that, I'm forever thankful and grateful.
Benefits of Having Support
Inner Peace
Reclaim Your True Nature
Trust Your
Release Fear & Anxiety
Overcome Mental Blocks
Destroy Procrastination
Instead of merely coping with changing circumstances and constant upheaval I will teach you how to thrive and flourish in these uncertain times. Combining the tools of myth and dream, modern clinical mental health techniques and ancient imagination rituals, The Narrative Crafting Process provides an innovative way to create the life you want no matter what the circumstances are around you.

More Praise for Narrative Crafting
Brian creates a safe space and makes you feel heard in session. He listens attentively and offers thoughtful insights that encourage you to explore different avenues in an empowered way, guiding you to think and create for yourself rather than telling you the answers. I would highly recommend working with him.
Brian helped me move from my head to my heart. His calmness and ability to help me come to my own conclusion was so appreciated. He is a true coach in the sense that he helped me tap into my own voice and didn’t try to persuade me to do what he thought I should. He leads with his heart and I appreciate that about him.
Brian is a story alchemist. He is capable of reaching into the far corners of my mind for gold, which is my pure potential, pure essence. Then, with clarity, compassion and humour, he guides me so that I can find the best ways for that gold to shine.
Brian is gifted at helping you cut through the noise and get to the root of any problem. He guides sessions with heart, creativity, and integrity––ready to hold space for anything you bring to the table. His positive energy and optimism are also wonderfully contagious! Truly an amazing coach.
Change Your Narrative
Process to Peace, Freedom, and Joy
Narrative Crafting is a process of transformation. It is for any individual who seeks to “know thyself” better, leading to mental flexibility, self-control, empowerment and ultimately peace, freedom and joy. It may sound like a fairy tale, but it is quite the opposite. It is a careful, practical and experiential method that, when practiced, will allow anyone to change the story of their life, by first changing their unconscious Inner Narrative. You create your reality in your brain first, and then what you expect, believe and resist becomes the content of your physical experience as projected by your mind.
Step 01
Identify Your Inner Narrative
Using Step #1 of the Narrative Crafting Process anyone can begin to become aware of their constant Inner Narrative. We all have an Inner Narrative, without exception. This Inner Narrative is made up of one’s auto-pilot emotions, triggers and traumas, conscious thoughts and unconscious underlying beliefs. As one begins to become more aware of the existence of an Inner Narrative, one begins to find the source of all of their experience of life.
Step 02
Question Your Inner Narrative
One can then gain the power to question the Inner Narrative, putting some space between them as an identity and their stray thoughts. This ability to question the narrative, to begin to see that not all thoughts are true, is the beginning of real freedom. It may take some practice, but many clients come to understand than not only are some thoughts untrue, but in fact almost all of them are. The story we tell ourselves, whether conscious or unconscious, is often based on assumption and emotion, but we mistake it for the actual truth.
Step 03
Surrender Your Inner Narrative
Once one gains the power of doubt they can learn how to surrender the Inner Narrative to a powerful source of intelligence and wisdom within us (yes, all of us). This kind of surrender provides more agency and control over the nature, pace and quality of our thinking. The surrendering process is when the fun really begins. This is the stage at which we start to make conscious decisions about what we want to believe, how we want to behave and what type of thoughts we prefer to think. And this is where we learn to lean into what life presents us, to embrace it, in each and every newly unfolding now moment.
Step 04
Rewrite Your Inner Narrative
Once you experience what it feels like to live surrendered to the present moment, with the power to question your limiting beliefs, you begin to see you can choose how to define everything that happens to you. It may seem impossible to get to a point where you can choose what to think, like choosing desserts at a buffet, but it is possible, even likely, if you decide to change your life story.
Brian asked some powerful questions and made some very meaningful observations to guide me on from my initial concerns entering into our session. Through that, I was able to really uncover what feelings were behind my thinking, limiting my ability to arrive at a more meaningful balance in my life's activities. I felt that Brian was a very supportive guide throughout, as I came to some realizations about how I assign value to my time and my relationships. By the end of our conversation, I had some practical ways in mind about how I could start to shift the ways I organized my day to achieve a more satisfying balance that felt right to me. I felt so much lighter coming out of coaching with him and excited about the steps I could take going forwards with a new perspective on my time. I am really grateful to have received such motivating and effective coaching from him!
Stephanie P. - Writer & Coach
Accepting New
Coaching for Writers
& Creatives
Brian's Qualifications
- Clinical Therapist
- Licensed Professional Counselor Associate (State of Connecticut)
- Level 1 Trained IFS Therapist (IFS Institute)
- Trained Acceptance & Commitment Therapist (ACBS)
- Certified Clinical EFT (Tapping) Practitioner (EFT Universe)
- Wayfinder Coaching Certification from Oprah’s favorite life coach, sociologist Dr. Martha Beck
- Certified TRE (Trauma Release Exercises) Practitioner (TRE for All)
- Associate Certified Coach (ACC) w/ International Coach Federation (ICF)
- Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-500; Yoga Alliance)
- Award-winning Storyteller (Film, TV & Screenwriting awards)
- Master of Fine Arts in Storytelling
- Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- Professional Member of the American Counseling Association and Connecticut Counseling Association
- Hundreds of hours in my own personal IFS therapy, EFT practice and private coaching. You gotta live it to give it.
- Countless hours coaching and working with clients just like you
- Public Learner with 10,000 hours spent learning about transformation, human behavior and the nature of reality.
- Love and passion for coaching, therapy and witnessing growth
Brian is a great coach with a brilliant mind. I felt comfortable from the very first session and am so glad I trusted him to work with me on some sensitive subjects over the last few months. We did a dream analysis a couple of months ago which still gives me goose bumps! I love his infectious energy too!
Judy R. - Life Coach

Your New Story
Starts Now
and say hello to lasting transformation and stability.
Let me break it down into easy steps to help you decide:
Step 01
Explore This Webpage
If you made it this far you are done with step one. Congrats. If what you’re read resonates with you in any way, then move on to step #2.
Step 02
Book Discovery Call
Use the calendar link on this page to book a free 20 minute consult directly with me. You can briefly describe your concerns, then I’ll explain my approach and process, and you can ask me any questions you’d like. If you are still resonating then we will complete Step #3 right on the call.
Step 03
Schedule First Session
Once we’ve scheduled your first session you will be able to complete step #4 completely online with a few clicks before we begin.
Step 04
Intake Forms & Payment Information
Using a seamless online process Narrative Crafting Co will collect your intake paperwork and credit card payment for the first session. Your payment information will be held on file and all subsequent sessions will be billed automatically on the same day.
Step 05
We Dive In
We will form an alliance and work together to address all of your specific concerns.
If you’ve read this far and you haven’t left the site yet I’m going to play a hunch that there is an internal nudge, vibe or curiosity keeping you here. You’ll know if that sensation means the time is right. If it is, click below to get started. I’m with you.
frequently asked questions
how many sessions do I get when I sign up?
You can sign up for as many as you like. When you book 3 or more at a time you receive 20% off and save $50 per session.
What happens in coaching?
Coaching sessions are guided by client needs. We will find whatever is not working at its most optimal in your life and we will optimize it together. Coaching is always permission based, confidential, targeted and gentle. Each session is customized to the clients present needs and guided mutually by coach and client’s intuitive nudges
Do you have a refund policy for coaching?
Yes. You can can cancel up to 24 hours before your session for a full refund. If anything happens within 24 hours of your session just email us and our support team will take good care of you.
I’ve tried this before, how is your coaching any different?
I have been trained by the world’s best life coach, Martha Beck. I also come from a storytelling background and use the ancient components of story structure, the language of myth and dream, to help clients understand where they are on their journey and what is required to pass successfully through to the next threshold.
What if I have questions about “Discover A Curious New Strength?”
Please email and we will answer all of your questions.
What is the call schedule?
The call schedule is TBD. The calls will be 90 minutes each, once a week for four weeks in late 2022/early 2023.
Will the calls be record?
Yes, all calls will be recorded and the recording and transcripts will be available on the learning site 48 hours after the calls.
How long can I access the program?
You’ll have lifetime access.
What is the refund policy?
All participants may request a refund until 1 week before the course.
To request a refund, email and we will process your refund no questions asked.
We will not offer refunds after the refund window closes.
What happens exactly in therapy and coaching?
Sessions are guided by client needs and concerns. We will pinpoint whatever is not working at its most optimal in your life and we will optimize it together. Therapy and coaching is always permission based, confidential, targeted and gentle. Each session is customized to the clients present needs and guided mutually by myself and my client’s intuitive nudges.
Do you have a cancellation and refund policy?
Yes. You can can cancel up to 24 hours before your session without being charged. If you cancel within 24 hours the card on file will be charged for the full session unless there are extenuating circumstances. Just reach out via email and my support team will take good care of you. There are no refunds once a session has already taken place.
I’ve tried this before, how will your method be any different?
The Narrative Crafting Process is different because it is an integrated approach that combines scientific breakthroughs in fields like neuroscience, epigenetics, psychoneuroimmunology and positive psychology with classical counseling methods. In addition, the Narrative Crafting Process is rooted in ancient wisdom and the science of trauma recovery (poly-vagal theory). Finally, in addition to holding two master’s degrees, in storytelling and clinical mental health counseling, I have received world-class training from Oprah’s favorite life coach, sociologist and best-selling author Dr. Martha Beck. Clients often report breakthroughs and relief even in the very first session.
What if I have more questions?
No problem! If you have more questions after reading this page the best thing to do is set up a discovery call directly with me to answer your questions.
You can also email me at or send a text message to (203) 293-0242. I look forward to getting all of your questions answered so your healing journey can begin!
How often do we have to meet for this to work?
Sessions can be scheduled as you wish. Many clients prefer to have a regular schedule and meet either weekly or bi-weekly depending on their needs. Some form of consistency is best in this kind of work. That said, sessions can be scheduled at any interval you desire. We can meet weekly, monthly, sporadically or even multiple days in a row when you motivated to target a specific issue in more depth. You can’t get this wrong as long as you continue to show up for yourself.
Do you see clients in person or online?
Both! If you live in Connecticut you can come to my office location in either Norwalk or New Canaan. Additionally, I offer remote Telehealth services to clients world wide.
Do you accept insurance?
I do not accept insurance at this time. I am a private pay provider only.
How does billing and payment work?
Once you sign up the Narrative Crafting Company will keep an active credit card on file for you. The card will be charged on the same day as your sessions and you will receive your billing documents via email directly after. No hassle, no links to click, and nothing to keep track of.
Do you offer support between sessions?
Absolutely. For regular questions of an administrative nature regarding scheduling, billing or any other logistics please feel free to text, call or email anytime.
Additionally I offer email/text coaching on a monthly basis for a fee. You can inquire during our discovery call if this interests you. You can also check out DIY Wellness, a weekly live broadcast and podcast where I offer support to listeners and answer questions from live viewers.
What if I have a crisis or an emergency?
If you have an emergency please call 911 for Fire, Ambulance or Police or call 988 for emotional crisis support. I am not equipped to offer on-call or emergency services at this time.
Book A Discovery Call
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